Fix Virtual Keyboard in Chromium Apps in KDE Wayland

I have a 2-1 laptop from Lenovo and recently installed Arch linux from scratch on it, only to find out that the onscreen keyboard didn’t function properly when I launched Microsoft Edge or Chrome. This seems to only be a problem with the Wayland edition of KDE and Chromium based apps. Even if I manually opened the virtual keyboard, the key mappings were not correct. When I pressed the number 1 on the virtual keyboard would output a !...

08-17-2024 · Adam

Linux CPU Schedulers and Why They Are Important

CPU schedulers are algorithms that determine how the CPU allocates its time and resources to the processes that are running on a system. CPU schedulers are essential for ensuring that the system can perform efficiently, fairly, and responsively. Different CPU schedulers have different goals and strategies, and they can affect the performance and behavior of the system in various ways. In this blog post, I will explain why CPU schedulers are important, and compare the top three schedulers for Linux: CFS, BFS, and MuQSS....

12-06-2023 · Adam

How to Add NodeJS to SiteGround Shared Hosting

Maybe you have had shared hosting for a while or just signed up, in any case, now you have the desire to use NodeJS for your project. Many shared hosting providers will tell you that NodeJS is not supported on share hosting plans. Not supported doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible though. In today’s guide, I will show you how to install NodeJS on shared hosting such as SiteGround. This guide may work for other share hosts as well, so give it a try and leave feedback in the comments....

10-05-2023 · Adam

Fix OBS Studio Black Screen on Manjaro GNOME Edition

I recently install the latest release of Manjaro GNOME edition and when doing my typical device setup I found that OBS Studio wasn’t fully working out of the box. Luckily it wasn’t a difficult fix to get everything going and I wanted to quickly share the solution with everyone. OBS Install I typically install OBS as a flatpak from flathub since it tends to provide the best experience for me, so that it what I used in this new setup as well....

09-28-2023 · Adam

9 Things to Do After Installing Fedora 37

Fedora 37 was released in November of 2022, and since then it has gained a lot of attention. Fedora supports Flatpaks by default and is running the latest Gnome desktop environment which is version 43 at this time. While it does run Gnome by default, you can find Fedora Spins with alternative desktop environments such as KDE Plasma and XFCE. Fedora is an excellent option for new users and seasoned users as well....

03-06-2023 · Adam