Install NodeJS on Manjaro Linux - 2023 Update

If you plan on getting into Javascript development and you use Manjaro, you will likely run across the need to install NodeJS on Manjaro Linux. It’s quite simple to do on Manjaro, especially when using NVM - Node Version Manager. NVM allows you to easily install, update and switch between different releases of NodeJS, such as LTS, which is what we will be installing today. Typically you would want to develop on LTS for better support unless you really need the newest features not available in LTS, or you are simply testing some new functionality....

05-09-2022 · Adam

How To Share a Folder From Windows to Arch Linux Guest OS in VirtualBox

I like many others, use a Linux virtual machine in VirtualBox from my Windows PC to do development work. There are many Linux distributions out there and many choose Ubuntu or some variant of it, I’ve chosen Manjaro which is an Arch based Linux. Completing tasks in Manjaro can be a bit different than in Ubuntu and other Debian Linux variants. One of those tasks is sharing a folder from my Windows PC through VirtualBox to my Manjaro Linux virtual machine....

05-06-2022 · Adam