8 Things to Do After Installing Manjaro Linux

Manjaro is one of the most popular Linux distributions based on data from DistroWatch and their very active online communities such as Reddit. I personally use Manjaro on my daily laptop PC and I have found it to be not only reliable but easy to use and install the necessary software on. Since Manjaro is derived from Arch Linux, many new users shy away from it, but I think this may be a mistake....

02-11-2023 · Adam

Part 4 - Beginner's Guide to Bash Scripting

This guide is part of a series, be sure to check out the other parts as well. Part 1 - Introduction to Bash, Variables, Comments, User Input Part 2 - If/Else Statements, Looping Part 3 - Functions in Bash Part 4 - Creating Menus in Bash (This Page) In this part, we will be covering how to create menus in Bash scripting on Linux. We will first cover a basic menu that is really simple to set up and use but also flexible and works for most cases....

02-10-2023 · Adam

Part 3 – Beginners Guide to Bash Scripting

This guide is part of a series, be sure to check out the other parts as well. Part 1 - Introduction to Bash, Variables, Comments, User Input Part 2 - If/Else Statements, Looping Part 3 - Functions in Bash (This Page) Part 4 - Creating Menus in Bash Welcome back to Part 3 of our Beginners Guide to Bash Scripting. In this guide, we’ll be talking about functions in bash scripting....

02-04-2023 · Adam

Install GCC on Ubuntu Linux

GCC which stands for GNU Compiler Collection, is a collection of compilers for many different languages on Linux. For example, GCC can compile source code from C, C++, Fortran, Go, Objective C, and more. GCC is compatible with a long list of architectures, such as i386, ia64, ARM, and more. Is GCC Just for Linux? No, GCC is not limited to Linux. GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collection and is developed by the Free Software Foundation as part of the GNU project....

02-03-2023 · Adam

Part 2 - Beginners Guide to Bash Scripting

This guide is part of a series, be sure to check out the other parts as well. Part 1 - Introduction to Bash, Variables, Comments, User Input Part 2 - If/Else Statements, Looping (This Page) Part 3 - Functions in Bash Part 4 - Creating Menus in Bash In this part, we will be covering the following topics related to Bash scripting on Linux. If/Else Statement Loops Being able to control the flow, do comparisons, make decisions and loop are all core parts of any programming or scripting language....

02-01-2023 · Adam