How to Enable the AUR on Manjaro Linux

One of the most popular benefits of running an arch-based Linux distribution like Manjaro or EndeavourOS is access to the Arch User Repository, also known as the AUR. Linux distributions typically come with an included software repository which users can easily install software from, and Manjaro is no different. It includes an official software repository that allows access to thousands of software packages. The AUR repository on Manjaro extends this software inventory even further....

01-30-2023 · Adam

Setup Docker on Manjaro Linux

What is Docker? Docker is a platform and tool for building, shipping, and running distributed applications. It allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container, which can be run on any machine that has Docker installed. This makes it easy to create, deploy, and run applications in a consistent environment, regardless of the host operating system or infrastructure. Docker vs Virtual Machines ocker and virtual machines (VMs) are both technologies for running multiple isolated environments on a single host, but they work in different ways....

01-14-2023 · Adam

How to Install Flatpak on EndeavourOS, Manjaro and Arch Linux

Flatpak’s are great, they make installation of applications and their dependencies on Linux easy. Flatpak is already a part of some Linux distributions but EndeavourOS, Manjaro, and Arch do not have them enabled by default, so today we will walk through how to get up and running with Flatpak on these distros. Why are Flatpak’s Great? I will keep it simple here and give a better explanation in the next section....

01-12-2023 · Adam

11 Ways to Use Pacman on Manjaro Linux

Installing software is a core function of any operating system, pacman, the package manager built into most arch based Linux distributions such as Manjaro Linux serves this purpose well. It is a powerful command-line utility that everyone who uses an Arch based Linux distro should be familiar with. If you prefer a GUI over using the command line, you can also use pamac, which comes pre-installed typically. Pamac also allows you to handle Flatpaks and packages from the AUR repository, which is a nice bonus....

01-03-2023 · Adam

Spectacle: The Best Manjaro Screenshot Utility

For someone who writes documentation all the time, screenshots play a big role in the documentation process. In my humble opinion, for Manjaro and other Linux distributions, Spectacle takes the cake when it comes to screenshot utilities. Spectacle is actually part of KDE, which is how I was first introduced to it on the Manjaro Linux KDE edition. However, Spectacle can run outside of the KDE desktop environment. I still use Spectacle for every screenshot, even on my i3 window manager setup of Manjaro....

12-30-2022 · Adam