Spectacle: The Best Manjaro Screenshot Utility

For someone who writes documentation all the time, screenshots play a big role in the documentation process. In my humble opinion, for Manjaro and other Linux distributions, Spectacle takes the cake when it comes to screenshot utilities. Spectacle is actually part of KDE, which is how I was first introduced to it on the Manjaro Linux KDE edition. However, Spectacle can run outside of the KDE desktop environment. I still use Spectacle for every screenshot, even on my i3 window manager setup of Manjaro....

12-30-2022 · Adam

Manjaro i3 Window Manager Tips

I’ve heard the Linux elite talk about tiling window managers, like Manjaro i3 edition, for some time. So I decided to dive into the i3 tiling window manager on my Manjaro desktop, and these are some things I learned. This isn’t really my first dive into a tiling window manager, I’ve run across some before, likely by accident as I recall. I believe it was an early adventure into Arch that led me to an unpleasant experience with a tiling window manager that I don’t remember the name of....

12-28-2022 · Adam

Install OneDrive for Linux - Manjaro Edition

Using Ubuntu? Check our Guide to Install OneDrive on Ubuntu OneDrive for Linux is a thing? Yes, yes… I know. Why would you want to install a Microsoft product on Linux? Well, if you’re like me, work and school are both heavily in the Microsoft ecosystem. So, I don’t mind and it makes my life easier if I can have access to OneDrive on my Linux machine. If you really want to make other Linux users’ blood boil, check out our guide on installing Microsoft Edge on Manjaro Linux....

12-20-2022 · Adam

My 6 Favorite Manjaro Apps

I’ve been using Linux off and on for years, and more recently Manjaro Linux has become my main Operating System of choice. I figured this would be a good time to cover some of my favorite Manjaro apps that I use often. Many of these Manjaro apps are available for other operating systems and distros as well, so be sure to check them out. These apps are not in any particular order....

12-19-2022 · Adam

Create a Linode Linux VPS Part 2 – 2022 Quickstart Guide

Welcome to part 2 of our guide on Creating a Linode Linux VPS. You can check out part 1 of the guide here. Part 3 is now live as well, going over how to set up Apache, PHP, MySQL, and a domain name. Linode Coupon Code – $100 in Free Credit for 60 Days A big part of running your own Virtual Private Server (VPS), is securing the server. One of the first steps that you should take is creating a new user and securing SSH....

12-16-2022 · Adam