Intune Hardware Hash Import During Task Sequence Many organizations could import the hardware hash of their existing endpoints using SCCM or other automated means because the endpoints were already running Windows. However, in some cases, this wasn’t possible because the devices were not running Windows at the time, which was the case for my organization. We wanted to use Autopilot when converting from the old Linux solution to the new Windows Azure AD/Intune solution. To do this, we needed an automated solution for collecting the hardware hash and importing it into Intune....

01-19-2023 · Adam

Deploy HKCU Registry Keys Using Intune

Intune makes a lot of things really easy, but some things are just easier with GPO. Adding or changing registry keys for the current user in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive is one of the things that was far easier with GPO than it is in Intune. I’m really going to miss the days of OnPrem AD, OU’s, and GPO’s. Sad times we live in, or maybe I’m just old and frustrated with Microsoft....

01-15-2023 · Adam

Setup Docker on Manjaro Linux

What is Docker? Docker is a platform and tool for building, shipping, and running distributed applications. It allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container, which can be run on any machine that has Docker installed. This makes it easy to create, deploy, and run applications in a consistent environment, regardless of the host operating system or infrastructure. Docker vs Virtual Machines ocker and virtual machines (VMs) are both technologies for running multiple isolated environments on a single host, but they work in different ways....

01-14-2023 · Adam

How to Deploy a Scheduled Task in Intune

There comes a time in every Window’s engineers life when they need to deploy a scheduled task to hundreds or even thousands of endpoints. Unfortunately, if your company has moved to Intune for endpoint management, this deployment isn’t as obvious and straightforward as it could be. Luckily, it isn’t terribly hard to do and it certainly isn’t impossible. So today, we will break down the steps to deploy a scheduled task with Microsoft Intune....

01-13-2023 · Adam

How to Install Flatpak on EndeavourOS, Manjaro and Arch Linux

Flatpak’s are great, they make installation of applications and their dependencies on Linux easy. Flatpak is already a part of some Linux distributions but EndeavourOS, Manjaro, and Arch do not have them enabled by default, so today we will walk through how to get up and running with Flatpak on these distros. Why are Flatpak’s Great? I will keep it simple here and give a better explanation in the next section....

01-12-2023 · Adam