Best Web Hosting for WordPress 2023

Let’s be honest, there are tons of web hosting providers out there who all claim to be the best, the fastest, or offer the most extras. Trying to weed through all of the providers and all of the opinions of folks on YouTube and blogs isn’t easy either. It will likely leave you feeling cheated or confused. So I’m going to throw my hat into the ring of who is the best web hosting provider for WordPress using my own experience with 3 different providers....

01-25-2023 · Adam

Create a Linode Linux VPS Part 3 – 2022 Quickstart Guide

Hopefully, you have been following along with Part 1 and Part 2 of the Creating a Linode Linux VPS series. If not, be sure to go back and check out the previous 2 parts of the guide to get up to speed. In part 3 we will be installing a package called fail2ban on our Linode Linux VPS, which will help to protect our VPS from unauthorized access attempts. Particularly brute force attacks....

01-04-2023 · Adam

Create a Linode Linux VPS Part 2 – 2022 Quickstart Guide

Welcome to part 2 of our guide on Creating a Linode Linux VPS. You can check out part 1 of the guide here. Part 3 is now live as well, going over how to set up Apache, PHP, MySQL, and a domain name. Linode Coupon Code – $100 in Free Credit for 60 Days A big part of running your own Virtual Private Server (VPS), is securing the server. One of the first steps that you should take is creating a new user and securing SSH....

12-16-2022 · Adam

Create a Linode Linux VPS - 2022 Quickstart Guide

This is a multi-part series. Part 1 (this guide) is the basics of setting up the VPS on Linode. Part 2 covers SSH and Firewalls, and Part 3 covers installing Apache, PHP, MySQL, and setting up a domain name for our Linode VPS. Personally, I use Linode Linux VPS’s (virtual private servers) to run multiple app projects, and websites and for testing certain technologies. Linode is one of the easiest platforms to get started with Linux servers in my opinion and a great place to learn about and deploy your projects....

12-14-2022 · Adam