What is an Immutable OS?

You may have seen the term immutable OS thrown around lately and wondered what it is and what is means. While an immutable OS isn’t exactly new, they have become more popular in recent months. So let’s break down what exactly an immutable OS is, how it can benefit you as well as the potential drawbacks of using one. Simple Description of an Immutable OS An immutable operating system is pretty much like an unchangeable one....

01-27-2023 · Adam

Best Web Hosting for WordPress 2023

Let’s be honest, there are tons of web hosting providers out there who all claim to be the best, the fastest, or offer the most extras. Trying to weed through all of the providers and all of the opinions of folks on YouTube and blogs isn’t easy either. It will likely leave you feeling cheated or confused. So I’m going to throw my hat into the ring of who is the best web hosting provider for WordPress using my own experience with 3 different providers....

01-25-2023 · Adam

Setup Docker on Manjaro Linux

What is Docker? Docker is a platform and tool for building, shipping, and running distributed applications. It allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a portable container, which can be run on any machine that has Docker installed. This makes it easy to create, deploy, and run applications in a consistent environment, regardless of the host operating system or infrastructure. Docker vs Virtual Machines ocker and virtual machines (VMs) are both technologies for running multiple isolated environments on a single host, but they work in different ways....

01-14-2023 · Adam

How to Install Flatpak on EndeavourOS, Manjaro and Arch Linux

Flatpak’s are great, they make installation of applications and their dependencies on Linux easy. Flatpak is already a part of some Linux distributions but EndeavourOS, Manjaro, and Arch do not have them enabled by default, so today we will walk through how to get up and running with Flatpak on these distros. Why are Flatpak’s Great? I will keep it simple here and give a better explanation in the next section....

01-12-2023 · Adam

XRDP and VNC: Which is the Better Remote Desktop

Maybe you have a headless Windows or Linux OS running on a Proxmox server or even running on bare metal. In either case, it’s necessary to be able to remote into the desktop of the machine, whether that be Linux or Windows. Typically this is done via the remote desktop protocol on Windows or VNC on Linux. However, an open-source implementation of RDP exists as well, and it’s called XRDP....

01-09-2023 · Adam