My 6 Favorite Manjaro Apps

I’ve been using Linux off and on for years, and more recently Manjaro Linux has become my main Operating System of choice. I figured this would be a good time to cover some of my favorite Manjaro apps that I use often. Many of these Manjaro apps are available for other operating systems and distros as well, so be sure to check them out. These apps are not in any particular order. Let’s go ahead and jump into my list of favorite Manjaro apps! ...

12-19-2022 · Adam

Create a Linode Linux VPS Part 2 – 2022 Quickstart Guide

Welcome to part 2 of our guide on Creating a Linode Linux VPS. You can check out part 1 of the guide here. Part 3 is now live as well, going over how to set up Apache, PHP, MySQL, and a domain name. Linode Coupon Code – $100 in Free Credit for 60 Days A big part of running your own Virtual Private Server (VPS), is securing the server. One of the first steps that you should take is creating a new user and securing SSH. These are very basic steps that go a long way in protecting your VPS. Not long after bringing a VPS online, there will be bots and other automated attacks attempting to connect via SSH. By simply disabling root access via SSH, having a new user and only allowing SSH connections with a private key, your server will be much more secure against the attacks. ...

12-16-2022 · Adam

Create a Linode Linux VPS - 2022 Quickstart Guide

This is a multi-part series. Part 1 (this guide) is the basics of setting up the VPS on Linode. Part 2 covers SSH and Firewalls, and Part 3 covers installing Apache, PHP, MySQL, and setting up a domain name for our Linode VPS. Personally, I use Linode Linux VPS’s (virtual private servers) to run multiple app projects, and websites and for testing certain technologies. Linode is one of the easiest platforms to get started with Linux servers in my opinion and a great place to learn about and deploy your projects. Their interface is well laid out, easy to understand, and they offer many ready-to-go options in their marketplace if you don’t want to start from scratch. ...

12-14-2022 · Adam

Easily Install dotNet In Linux - 2023 Guide

If you are a C# developer like me and you also use or would like to use Linux as your OS, this guide is for you. Today we will be walking through setting up dotnet in Linux and VSCode. I am using Manjaro Linux as my distribution, you may be able to take away information from this post and apply it to other distributions as well. If you haven’t installed VSCode on Manjaro yet, check out our guide for that as well. We also just added a guide on installing JetBrains Rider for Linux as well, if you prefer a fully featured .NET IDE. ...

10-21-2022 · Adam

chmod Syntax in Linux Explained

If you are a Linux user, then you have probably heard of chmod. But what is it, and how can you use it? Being a Linux user you also know how important the syntax of commands is, so we will discuss the proper chmod syntax that you should use. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of chmod and show you how to use it in a few simple steps. ...

10-19-2022 · Adam