Install OneDrive for Linux - Manjaro Edition

Using Ubuntu? Check our Guide to Install OneDrive on Ubuntu OneDrive for Linux is a thing? Yes, yes… I know. Why would you want to install a Microsoft product on Linux? Well, if you’re like me, work and school are both heavily in the Microsoft ecosystem. So, I don’t mind and it makes my life easier if I can have access to OneDrive on my Linux machine. If you really want to make other Linux users’ blood boil, check out our guide on installing Microsoft Edge on Manjaro Linux....

12-20-2022 · Adam

My 6 Favorite Manjaro Apps

I’ve been using Linux off and on for years, and more recently Manjaro Linux has become my main Operating System of choice. I figured this would be a good time to cover some of my favorite Manjaro apps that I use often. Many of these Manjaro apps are available for other operating systems and distros as well, so be sure to check them out. These apps are not in any particular order....

12-19-2022 · Adam

Easy Setup Yubikey on Manjaro Linux

If you’re like me, you want to protect your systems from all sorts of attacks. We all know that multi-factor authentication is a great tool to better protect your computers, services, and accounts. This guide will walk you through how to setup a Yubikey on Manjaro Linux. What is Yubikey? Yubikey is a hardware device, typically USB, which serves as a multi-factor authentication method. You plug the device into your USB port and when authenticating to a system, you will tap it....

12-01-2022 · Adam

Easily Install dotNet In Linux - 2023 Guide

If you are a C# developer like me and you also use or would like to use Linux as your OS, this guide is for you. Today we will be walking through setting up dotnet in Linux and VSCode. I am using Manjaro Linux as my distribution, you may be able to take away information from this post and apply it to other distributions as well. If you haven’t installed VSCode on Manjaro yet, check out our guide for that as well....

10-21-2022 · Adam

How to Install Edge on Manjaro

The browser wars are still real, Chrome and Firefox fanboys stand aside. I actually prefer Edge, as it’s built on Chromium and performs fairly well, and it includes many features like sleeping tabs and fast startup. It also easily syncs my favorites and extensions which is a nice touch. There is something that seems wrong about installing a Microsoft product on Linux, but I already use VS Code, and to be honest, who cares what other people think?...

10-11-2022 · Adam