Install ExpressVPN on Linux

It’s important to have a VPN connection to protect your machine, privacy, and your information these days. Yes, even on Linux. I am an ExpressVPN customer and was happy to find that installing ExpressVPN on Linux is simple. Why use ExpressVPN? The most important thing when choosing a VPN provider is privacy and security. For me, a “no logging” policy is a must and so are third-party audits of the claims....

10-09-2022 · Adam

Install Java for VS Code on Manjaro Linux

If you are a developer or student, you may be programming in Java and using VS Code to do your coding. Setting up your environment can be a confusing but important task and today we will cover the steps to get you up and running with Java in VS Code. First, make sure you have VS Code installed on Manjaro, if you need help with that you can follow my guide on doing so....

10-08-2022 · Adam

Install VSCode on Manjaro Linux

Many developers today choose Microsoft Visual Studio Code as their preferred text editor and IDE. VSCode is a multi-platform tool that is powerful in terms of editing and extended editing capabilities. On top of the already feature rich client, there are many official and community based extensions that expand it’s capabilities. This guide will explain how to install VSCode on Manjaro Linux. Install VSCode Flatpak Installing VSCode as a Flatpak is an excellent option for Manjaro Linux users....

10-07-2022 · Adam

Install VNC on Manjaro for Remote Access

Recently I set up Proxmox on an old PC so that I could create a home lab. One of the VMs is for development that I would need to access remotely through some sort of remote viewing utility. The VM is running Manjaro Linux and while I could use TeamViewer to accomplish remote abilities, I’ve found that it doesn’t always provide the best performance so I wanted to explore other options....

10-06-2022 · Adam

Install NodeJS on Manjaro Linux - 2023 Update

If you plan on getting into Javascript development and you use Manjaro, you will likely run across the need to install NodeJS on Manjaro Linux. It’s quite simple to do on Manjaro, especially when using NVM - Node Version Manager. NVM allows you to easily install, update and switch between different releases of NodeJS, such as LTS, which is what we will be installing today. Typically you would want to develop on LTS for better support unless you really need the newest features not available in LTS, or you are simply testing some new functionality....

05-09-2022 · Adam