Part 2 - Beginners Guide to Bash Scripting

This guide is part of a series, be sure to check out the other parts as well. Part 1 - Introduction to Bash, Variables, Comments, User Input Part 2 - If/Else Statements, Looping (This Page) Part 3 - Functions in Bash Part 4 - Creating Menus in Bash In this part, we will be covering the following topics related to Bash scripting on Linux. If/Else Statement Loops Being able to control the flow, do comparisons, make decisions and loop are all core parts of any programming or scripting language. Bash offers all of these and if you’re already familiar with other programming and scripting languages, you will pick up the syntax pretty easily. Let’s jump in with if/else statements, you will find many example bash scripts below to help you. ...

02-01-2023 · Adam

Install Pamac on EndeavourOS

Maybe you came to EndeavourOS from another Linux distro like Ubuntu or Manjaro and you are used to having a graphical software package manager. On Manjaro you have pamac which is a really nice counterpart to pacman and AUR command line package managers like yay. When you install EndeavourOS, you may quickly realize that you don’t have a graphical package manager by default. In this post, we will explain step by step, how to install pamac on EndeavourOS. ...

01-31-2023 · Adam

Beginners Guide to Bash Scripting

Are you tired of manually performing repetitive tasks on the command line? Well, have no fear because bash scripting is here! This beginner’s guide to bash scripting will take you from a basic command line user to a bash scripting pro in no time. Say goodbye to manual labor and hello to automation. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the fundamentals of bash scripting and how to use it to streamline your workflow. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let’s dive into the exciting world of bash scripting! ...

01-30-2023 · Adam

How to Enable the AUR on Manjaro Linux

One of the most popular benefits of running an arch-based Linux distribution like Manjaro or EndeavourOS is access to the Arch User Repository, also known as the AUR. Linux distributions typically come with an included software repository which users can easily install software from, and Manjaro is no different. It includes an official software repository that allows access to thousands of software packages. The AUR repository on Manjaro extends this software inventory even further. ...

01-30-2023 · Adam

The Next Y2K: Year 2038 Problem

Many of us remember the Y2K bug, where all computer systems were going to crash and destroy the world. Obviously, that didn’t end up happening, thanks to the hard work of programmers and systems admins around the world. The Y2K bug had to do with how dates were used in computer programs. In the early days of computing, storage space was important, so programmers had to write very efficient code in order to not use unnecessary storage space. The difference between 2023 and just using 23 was huge back in that day. By the time the year 2000 rolled around, storage space wasn’t as expensive and programmers didn’t need to worry about a difference between 2023 and 23 anymore. ...

01-29-2023 · Adam